An Ammonia Suction Separator. Shows wet and dry suction pipe work, Level alarms and Liquid makeup pipe work.
All our welders are qualified to weld:
- ASME 9 Pipe & plate Mild Steel
- ASME 9 pipe & plate Stainless Steel
- BSEN 287/1 pipe and plate M/S S/S
- NZS 4711 MIG M/S
- NZS 4703 Dairy Tube
Welding processes we use:
- GTAW โ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (Tig)
- SMAW โ Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick)
- FCAW โ Flux Core Arc Welding (Mig)
Tickets held:
- ASME 1X pipe and plate M/steel
- ASME 1X pipe and plate stainless steel
- BSEN 287/1 pipe and plate M/steel
- NZS 4703 Dairy tube stainless steel
- NZS 4711 Flux core mig M/steel
- NZS 4711 Low hydrogen electrodes